Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Freakin Tornados

On our way out to Richmond from Colorado, we passed through an area of Kansas that was under a tornado warning. The darkening gray clouds in the distance forewarned us of an impending threat. Our valiant chariot got hammered with golf ball sized hail while we attempted to locate lonely overpass to cower under while waiting out the storm.

The last 6 days have felt like being the midst of a massive, chaotic storm and I'm finally starting to see the clearing ahead. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy the chaos but it can get overwhelming if you let it. Fortunately, the presence of good friends and loving family have provided temporary haven from the rigors of furiously traveling across the country. I'm certainly not trying to be overly dramatic as I am enjoying the hell out of doing what we are doing, however, there is an element of bizarro-world/groundhog day that creeps in when encroaching on week three and gig twelve.

I'm trying to recount the last week of the tour as I've not been able to set aside ample time to blogggzzzz, and I'm having trouble. I'm going to try the list thing again to get the synapses firing.

Here we go:

1 -- Asheville, North Carolina, Wednesday, May 19th.

One of my best friends in the world lives in Asheville. His name is simply "Davis". He has a great blog that's loaded with music, pictures, videos, and nonsense. Unfortunately, "Davis" had to work when we arrived (he cleans blood and bones off of used surgical instruments -- the second most interesting and disturbing job description I've heard of on this tour). Fortunately, "Davis's" brother, uh, "Davis" invited us to come over to his beautiful house and hang out before heading to the Lexington Avenue Brewrey for our gig.

**note** In order to protect the privacy of the Davis brothers, I will not be using their given first names. Henceforth, I will refer to the Davis with the blog as "Jeremy" and the Davis with the house as "Mark".

Now, what I was getting at when I started this meandering entry, the crap about the friends and family being our refuge from the rigors of the road...

"Mark" Davis

Veggie beef meat burgers...

...with bacon flavored cheese and an egg...

...the best condiment tray ever...

...and a clap on/clap off liquor cabinet

I wish Scott was wearing a tuxedo and white gloves...

Oh, did I fail to mention the fact that there is a Keg-O-Rator at the Davis residence? Yep, as much ice cold Dos Equis as we could handle. If you think those burgers look amazing, I'll let you know that at least one member of our traveling circus commented that it was the "best hamburger I've ever had!"

The hospitality we are continually showered with is astounding -- I've met "Mark" Davis once before. I spent approximately 24 hours with him and on my return visit (with a freaking band in tow) he opens up his house, provides us with amazing food and beverage, bribes a door guy, and gives us shelter for the night. I have some awesome friends.

Muchos Grassyass, Davis's

As far as the Asheville gig, we had a blast playing but the turnout was less than stellar. Oh well, that's to be expected.

Next up: Lexington, Kentucky


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